Ten essays prepared by psychologists, social communicators, specialists in art, literature and anthropology, make up Notebook No. 12 of Edumedia . This publication shows a broad vision of the use of the media, image, sound and the family as enriching factors in the teaching and learning processes.
It will allow its readers to reflect on the conception of audiovisual media, as something more than simple products subject only to the logic of the market.
The edumedia Foundation , as the bearer of audiovisual messages, paves the way for the incorporation of radioelectric media in the national educational process. For this reason, it offers in the editions of its Notebooks themes that pursue an education for all, that contributes to the progress of society and the individual through appropriate contexts and promulgates national educational values.
Delivery No. 12 of the Notebooks is now on sale at the edumedia headquarters and soon in the Kuai-Mare bookstore network, and at the National Library, for consultation.