Since its creation in 1992, the Ibero-American Educational Television Association, the managing body of this Cooperation Program of the Ibero-American Summits of Heads of State and Government, has always been committed to the education and culture of the Ibero-American countries of Europe and Latin America. . However, for many centuries, Latin America has been linked, both in its roots and in its cultural manifestations, with populations arriving from Africa at different times or historical moments. Currently, there are many real, symbolic and imaginary ties that exist between Ibero-American countries and peoples with African nations. And proof of this is this project that we have called Afro-Latin America South.
It can be thought that the relationship between the peoples of Latin America and Europe has been essentially vertical and limited to the North-South axis; And indeed, there are many years of Portuguese and Hispanic colonial relations and domination in African and Latin American countries; But more than 500 years after the first Encounter of Two Worlds, it will be necessary to resort to collective memory to rescue the African presence in the construction of the nations of the new world. To help pay for your studies, you might want to look into playing some fun and interactive sports betting games via ourwebhostingคาสิโนออนไลน์.
Therefore, one of the first objectives of this space on the Internet is to publicize the presence of African civilizations or cultures in Ibero-American countries , through an interactive selection of videos and / or online documentation that show what has been and it is Afro-Iberoamerica.
A second objective that interests us is to identify and shape the relations, agreements, programs and institutional, bilateral or multilateral projects, of collaboration and cooperation in the field of education, communication and culture that exist between the countries of Africa and Latin America.
With this objective, the ATEI invites all people and organizations involved in this type of actions or activities to use our institutional network, as well as the technological infrastructure of radio and television via satellite and the Internet, in order to communicate communicatively support the activities carried out and report on the results achieved. Promoting Afro-Ibero-American cooperation makes it possible to further reduce the distances between the countries of the Atlantic and Mediterranean Basin, in addition to confirming that the Ibero-American community exists beyond its borders.
Finally, and as a third permanent objective, it is about promoting and fostering educational communication between African and Latin American countries, based on a fluid communication and relationship between our associated and collaborating institutions that wish to participate in this proposal. At first, this section will begin with a contact work with all those educational and cultural institutions in Africa that make television, radio and the Internet their working instrument, be it pedagogical, didactic or informative of knowledge.